January, 2017

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Public transportation of the future: Four new sustainable technologies


On my way in to work this morning, I walked through a tree lined street, admired my wintry surroundings, breathed fresh air, and chatted with one of my neighbors at the bus stop. I listened to music and sent a message to my mom while waiting to transfer to the metro. A short time later I arrived at work with a clear head, and ready to start my day.

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Architectural Graphics 101 – Number 01

Life of an Architect

Maybe this will be exciting, maybe it won’t, but I am going to start writing a few articles a month on architectural graphics and what I’ve done to get my drawings to look the way they do. I might talk hardcore technical computer specifics from time to time but for the most part, I am going to focus on the really small details. The idea for this series came to me the other day when I was asked by one of my employees to walk through some cabinet shop drawings and explain exactly what


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How To Build a Successful Architecture Firm With No Debt


For the first four years, Fivecat Studio could be found at a basement studio in our little cottage in the woods of Chappaqua, New York. The space was just large enough for one Dell workstation, a couple of bookshelves, a desk chair, a telephone, five cats and me. Each morning I would eat breakfast, kiss Annmarie good-bye and “commute” down 12 steps to Fivecat Studio World Headquarters.

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"People Are People's Greatest Joy" - Terry's Tiny Book Review

Architecture Tourist

This slide "got" me, led me to a 1980 book and to a mesmerizing video about human nature. It just so happens that my two favorite presentations in the last decate were about "placemaking" the first by Fred Kent from Project for Public Spaces the second by Mathew Lister from Gehl Architects (above). Turns out both were inspired by this book: The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces - William H.

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Architectural Visualization Trends and the Rise of AI

A new industry study conducted by Architizer on behalf of Chaos Enscape surveyed 2,139 design professionals to understand the state of architectural visualization and what to expect in the near future. We asked: How are visualizations produced in your firm? What impact does real-time rendering have? What approach are you taking toward the rise of AI?

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High School

Bruce F. Roth Architect

Walter Payton High School, Chicago. A 20 million dollar addition to Walter Payton College Prep, a Chicago Public School (CPS), increases the capacity of this top-performing school by almost 40%. The 49,000 square foot, three-story structure adds 14 classrooms, a multi-purpose ‘black box’ performance & teaching space, student lounge/café (overflow for the cafeteria), additional administration space, a gymnasium, and a fitness room.

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Fiber canopies proposed to turn Phoenix streets into comfortable public space


“It’s a dry heat.”. That’s what everyone always says when hearing about the intense heat of a Phoenix summer. It may be true, but 105 degrees is 105 degrees, and black asphalt streets that can be used as a frying pan in the direct desert sun are not the most hospitable of places.

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Using the exterior walls of museums as a public gallery


Space is at a premium when it comes to museums. Only the best of the best of a museum’s collection gets the prime real estate that is displayed to the public. In fact, it is estimated that only 2% to 4% of a museum’s collection is actually shown to guests.

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Multifamily sector expected to stay strong in 2017


After another year when the growth in multifamily housing exceeded expectations, apartment demand and property values could keep rolling through 2017. “The forces that have produced the best multifamily market in recent memory remain largely in place,” says John Affleck, apartment research strategist for CoStar Group.

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Exponential growth in net zero energy buildings predicted for the next two decades


The global market for products and services related to achieving net zero energy in residential and commercial construction and renovation is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 44.5% between 2014 and 2035, and exceed $1.4 trillion in that last year, according to the latest estimates in a new 24-page report, titled Net Zero Energy Buildings , published by Navigant Research.

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From Plan to Reality: Unlocking the Power of Aerial Imagery for AEC

Aerial imagery has emerged as a necessary tool for architecture, engineering, and construction firms seeking to improve pre-construction site analysis, make more informed planning decisions, and ensure all stakeholders have access to an accurate visualization of the site to keep the project moving forward. Download our guide and take a deeper look at how aerial imagery can be leveraged to drive project efficiency by reducing unnecessary site visits and providing the accurate details required to

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Handheld weather device could help keep construction crews safer


When lightning is nearby, high up on a roof or a steel girder is one of the last places you would want to find yourself. With the unpredictability of weather and cell phone and internet service making it difficult to anticipate exactly when and where a storm will hit, a recently released handheld device looks to add one more weapon to the arsenal of outdoor weather intelligence products that can help keep construction crews safe.

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Best in Architecture: 23 projects win AIA 2017 Institute Honor Awards


The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has selected the 2017 recipients of the Institute Honor Awards , the profession’s highest recognition of works that exemplify excellence in architecture, interior architecture and urban design. Selected from roughly 700 submissions, 23 recipients located throughout the world will be honored at the AIA Conference on Architect 2017 in Orlando.

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Interior design for students: A view into their future


As the world becomes smaller with the globalization of ideas, trends, and style, the divide between traditionally institutional interiors and the corporate workplace is shrinking. Today’s students no longer accept the facilities their parents once considered acceptable. Similarly, the office worker’s Dilbert-like cubicle is a thing of days gone by. Today’s learning, social, and creative environments are about mobility, choice, and comfort.

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From an industrial park to an eco-neighborhood in Brussels, Belgium


A former industrial park constructed in 1907 and originally used as a shipping and customs complex is set to undergo a transformation into a sustainable eco-neighborhood covering 135,000-sm.

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7 Ways Real-Time Visualization Can Solve Architectural Challenges

In the dynamic world of architecture, design, and construction, creative problem-solving is crucial for success. Traditional methods often fall short in effectively conveying design intent to clients. Real-time visualization empowers you with a solid decision-making tool that smooths the design process. Discover the power of real-time visualization: Effective Communication Convey your vision clearly and align with clients.

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A U.S. startup is working with Dubai to advance 3D printing for construction


Last April, Dubai unveiled its 3D Printing Strategy , which calls for 25% of buildings in that city to be constructed using 3D printing technology by 2030. That strategy focuses on three major sectors: construction, medical products, and consumer products. The use of 3D printing in Dubai’s construction sector will increase by 2% starting in 2019.

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Color Me Trendy—How Color Highlights Importance in the Built World


Photo by Steve Hinds, Steve Hinds Inc. Color has long been a way of expressing details and emotions, and capturing one’s attention.

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Architects and researchers are developing new techniques for building in space


A few months ago, the world’s first self-described “ Marschitect ” was working on developing architecture designed specifically to meet the challenges of living on Mars. Now, more and more architects and researchers are taking a shot at developing new and innovative ways for building habitable environments on the surface of the inhospitable planet.

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Charter school gives adults a second chance at earning a diploma


About 63,000 adults in Washington, D.C.—10% of the city’s adult population—lack high school diplomas. Goodwill Excel Center, the District’s first adult charter high school, hopes to return them to the educational fold.

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Concrete Waterproofing: The Next Step to a More Resilient Design

Don’t let water wash away all your hard work. When specifying concrete waterproofing, you need a solution that’s reliable and permanent. Without it, your concrete waterproofing is at risk of failing and letting water erode and corrode the concrete that it was supposed to protect. Reduce the risk of waterproofing failure by reading through our latest free specification e-book, which will take you through the four key components to better concrete waterproofing specification.

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Everything you need to know to sound brilliant when talking about biophilia


Biophilia is a term that literally means love of nature. It was coined by E.O. Wilson, who said that biophilia is the “connection that human beings subconsciously seek with the rest of life.” And Stephen Kellert, who worked with Wilson wrote that biophilia is “a complex of weak genetic tendencies to value nature that are instrumental in human physical, material, emotional, intellectual, and moral wellbeing.

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2017 design trends for the senior living industry


The new year is bringing interesting, fun and useful trends to the realm of senior living as providers seek to offer more to future residents – more amenities, more space, more social gathering spots, more glam, and more contemporary aesthetics.

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Why corporate branded environments matter


What is a brand? In my opinion, one of the best definitions is: a collection of perceptions and emotions in the mind of a customer or user that add value and enable choices. Strong brands are consistent, they know their audience, they differentiate with memorable experiences, and they inspire positive emotions among their users or audiences. A brand may be experienced in a variety of media and forms.

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Site design: Wellness extends beyond building walls


We’re talking about a lot more than green buildings these days. The environmental values in green building today are sustainability, resiliency, and wellness. And while our industry often focuses on the built environment, the impact of these values on a project extend beyond the physical walls of a building and should be part of the site design.

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Sustainable Architecture: Design Green with the Client in Mind

Speaker: Pedro Clarke – Principal Architect at A+ Architecture, In Loco Program Director

Sustainability begins with a conversation, and acquiring customer buy-in is entirely dependent on how the conversation is framed. Clients may not see sustainability as a priority out of fear of operational costs and quality. While these are legitimate concerns, it is our responsibility as architects to listen and foster a collaborative culture that answers client issues while also reducing our carbon footprint.

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Virtual Reality: How three firms are using VR technology


When it comes to the current state of virtual reality, you can easily go online and read innumerable articles expounding on the topic: Are virtual reality’s uses best suited for gaming, or something else? Can VR be the key to creating real empathy between people? . These topics may be fun to ponder, but they tend to gloss over an important question: How is virtual reality being used by companies around the world right now?

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Plunging solar power costs making PVs more compelling for owners, developers


Adding solar power to developments adds points for owners aiming for green certifications. As the cost of solar continues to plummet, the technology could make a compelling case for building owners from a purely economic perspective. In fact, solar power on a utility scale is now cheaper than coal in some parts of the world. In less than a decade, it is predicted to be the lowest-cost option almost everywhere.

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2017 Life of an Architect Playhouse Design Competition

Life of an Architect

This is a tremendous moment … the most tremendous of moments. It is time for the 7th Annual 2017 Life of an Architect Playhouse Design Competition! (Hopefully, you heard La Virgen de la Macarena in your head when you read that last sentence – I know I did.) Many of you will remember that last year I tried an experiment and partnered up with Houzz in an effort to broaden the reach and exposure of the event.

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New renderings of the 1966 Century Plaza Hotel’s redevelopment


Originally constructed in 1966, the Century Plaza Hotel is in the process of undergoing a redevelopment that will refurbish the hotel, eliminate about half of its 726 rooms, and add 63 residences. The space gained from eliminating a good portion of the rooms will be used to create 93,000 sf of commercial space on the hotel’s lower levels. 400 hotel rooms will remain on the upper floors.

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Report: Optimism for Construction Growth in the Next Year Remains High

Research reveals 96% of respondents are very or fairly optimistic about their organization’s growth prospects for the next year. The InEight Global Capital Projects Outlook also finds over half see digital technology as the greatest growth opportunity. But these are only some of the findings. Don't be kept in the dark when it comes to the future. Read the report today!