Sat.Dec 05, 2015 - Fri.Dec 11, 2015

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How to Earn (or Win) an Extra $10,000 in 2016


Competitions are a integral part of the architecture experience. Since architecture school and throughout our careers, design competitions have provided a vehicle for architects to promote our talents and showcase our skills. Several architects have built their firms around the results of competitions, allowing them to leapfrog years of marketing strategies, accelerating their brands and business development.

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Life of an Architect Playhouse Awards

Life of an Architect

This turned out to be a lot more challenging than I had anticipated but I am happy to say that the Life of an Architect Playhouse Design Competition Awards are finally complete! It took a lot of work and the involvement of some other very generous people, and I thought that I would take some time today to talk about how these awards got from a sketch into a final product that will hopefully be prominently and proudly displayed to the people who receive them as a token of my deep and sincere appr