
Archmark Invited to Speak at the 2019 AIA Florida Convention

What we learned from reviewing more than 400 architecture firm websites 

Archmark takes the stage at the 2019 AIA Florida Convention

Our managing partners, Bryon and Kellie McCartney, were invited to speak at the 2019 AIA Florida Convention and Trade Show in Orlando.

The theme of the convention was “Pursue Your Passion For Architecture” and Bryon presented about what architects can do to attract more — and better — clients.

Aimed at all architects who wish to pursue the projects they are most passionate about—while maintaining sustainable profits—Bryon’s presentation, “Attracting Clients for Passion and Profit,” focused on how to attract the right clients with an effective website that communicates in a clear and compelling way. 

After reviewing more than 400 Florida AIA member firm websites, Archmark Architect Branding & Marketing concluded that most firms fail to effectively communicate three critical elements:

  • Who they are and what makes them different.
  • What they are good at and why they are qualified to take on the  prospective clients’ needs.
  • The value they, as architects, bring to their clients’ projects, and why the client should care.

Architects attending the Archmark session were introduced to Archmark's Three-layer Client Attraction System™ developed to help engage more of their ideal clients with the type of projects that match their passion, to help build a more rewarding and profitable firm.


Bryon and Kellie McCartney, managing partners of Archmark

Bryon notes, “The internet is littered with failed architecture firm web design projects, and it ain’t pretty.” Read more — and find out what you can do about it: The Five Factors Your Website Must Get Right.

The annual AIA Florida Convention offers architects quality continuing education programming, festive cocktail receptions, an informative trade show, architectural tours, a golf tournament and so much more! The 2019 convention was held July 25 - 28 at the Ritz Carlton Grande Lakes, in Orlando, FL.

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If you’re struggling to get quality projects, it may be time to hire an expert. Apply for your free Clarity Call today to learn how Archmark can help your firm thrive!

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