
Towards a Harmonious Abstraction

Towards a Harmonious Abstraction

Maria Lorena Lehman Maria Lorena Lehman
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“Abstraction allows man to see with his mind what he cannot see physically with his eyes.”

 ― Arshile Gorky, Painter

Our Truest Nature

As I paint abstractions, I am seeing more deeply into the past, current, and even future world: within nature, built environments, and people. Through abstraction I am able to tap into the intangible essence of these elements, to uncover their hidden potential and beauty. This is why the above quote by Arshile Gorky is inspirational to me. It explains why I am drawn to explore beyond the thing that is seen — to experience its truest nature within its inner natural systems, architectural compositions, or emotional meanings.

New Beauty Within

When experiencing my paintings, you may feel they are embodying the world in universal ways; yet, they also speak to you as an individual by sparking inspiration, curiosity, and/or feeling. Yet, how can a painting embody the universe while still speaking to the individual? I believe that one way to accomplish this is to use harmonious abstraction to see beauty in the world as never seen before. Through my interpretations of the world, as an artist, it is my hope that all can see the beauty that lies within both the intangible thing observed as well as within the observer. This is how new forms of beauty are discovered or created. Through abstraction, humanity can see new beauty within and for the world.

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