WHO‘S NEXT? We need to talk about homelessness

An important, extremely topical issue, which has been pushed into the background in times of the Corona pandemic, is homelessness. Anyone of us who thinks to master and to survive this exceptional situation within his possibilities and in his environment, even to emerge strengthened from this situation, overlooks the fact that there is an increasing number of people worldwide who had less possibilities or luck. An exhibition on this subject is being launched in Munich this fall:


The Architekturmuseum der TU Munich writes: With the Coronavirus crisis, the urgency of homelessness has worsened worldwide. As a social group, the homeless are among the most vulnerable members of our societies. The exhibition not only analyzes central themes such as the visibility and invisibility of the homeless, but also the ambivalence of the reactions of the rest of society, which lie between repression and rejection. Homelessness is presented not as an individual tragedy, but as a problem of society that requires systemic solutions. In addition to an analysis of global statistics and their socio-political backgrounds, the current homelessness crisis in cities such as Tokyo, Mumbai, New York and Los Angeles will also be examined. In addition, the exhibition shows historical and contemporary architecture projects for the permanent reintegration of the homeless.

NOVEMBER 04, 2021 – FEBRUARY 06, 2022 | OPENING: NOVEMBER 03, 2021, 7 P.M.

Architekturmuseum der TUM
in der Pinakothek der Moderne
Barer Str. 40
80333 Munich

We should really talk about it, there is a lot to be done!

Images: Architekturmuseum.de, Myrzik and Jarisch, Spectrum News. O. Cartu

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