Reviving your Library   1 comment

Reviving your Library.   “Mommy, please take me to the Library” has been a consistent comment about our renovations of the windowless basement of the Plainfield Public Library.  Exposed pipes?  No problem, let’s reinvent them into jungle vines.  A hole in the floor from an old story pit?  No problem, let’s make it a reading pond and put a wooden bridge over it.  No room or privacy for the teens?  No problem, let’s bring in a fireproof explorer’s tent custom made into the “Young Adult Room”.

The response to the Rainforest themed design has been amazing.  Dennis Kowal Architects provided both the architectural transformation and the interior design integrity which makes this stunning transformation possible.  Old tables were covered in jungle themed photos and old stools were reupholstered into “mushroom stools”.  The new children’s circulation desk is a series of cargo boxes and shipping cages (complete with stuffed animals) and the computers encircle a bamboo wall.

The American Library Association featured this remarkable Dennis Kowal Architect’s transformation in their magazine as one of the best modest-cost renovations in America.

One response to “Reviving your Library

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  1. Great share Dennis. Look fantastic. Makes me want to take a trip to the library 🙂

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