Saturday, March 12, 2022

10 March 2022 Thursday

I knew the time would come. 

Time when the registered members of the tennis club commented on my using 'their' courts without registering as a member, enough was enough - there is a limit to their hospitality. So, ok - no more tennis with Patrick after work.

Patrick is a registered member, and found it hard to understand why I couldn't simply join and pay the monthly RM 20. To explain - there are 4 courts, 3 good ones and 1 not so good one which we normally use because the registered members prefer to play doubles on the good courts. So, I thought everyone was happy; no objections, everyone and everything in its place.

But no, even if the courts are unoccupied between 4 and 7pm, non registered members cannot use them. Those are the rules apparently; exclusive and narrow minded, entitled and precious to a select few, although our club fees paid towards the recent upgrading of 3 courts.
I am not upset, (I can still play in the mornings) but I'm sad that after what we collectively gone through in the past 2 years, there are still people who are selfishly guarding 4 rectangles of concrete for 3 hours each evening, and for what? The betterment of their favourite sport? I think not, injecting new blood and welcoming new people is a better way. There can be one court (the not so good one) retained for anyone to show up and have a hit; young people, beginners or players like Patrick and I who want to hone our skills.

But no, it is to be very exclusive, for registered members only. Which is why I can't become one of them. Sorry, Patrick. 

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