Should You Immediately Retake a Failed ARE 5.0 Exam? – ARE Q&A #3

Failing an Architect Registration Examination (ARE) 5.0 exam can be disheartening, but you're not alone. In this blog post, we'll discuss whether retaking the same exam immediately is the best approach. Discover an alternative strategy to keep progressing towards licensure and increase your chances of success.

Failing the PcM, PjM and CE Exams:

Rather than immediately retaking the failed exam, consider moving on to a different one within the same series. Diversify your study material by focusing on exams like PjM or CE if you failed PcM. Returning to the failed ARE 5.0 exam later allows you to approach it with fresh insights and a broader knowledge base.

Failing the PPD, PDD and CE Exams:

If you didn't pass an exam like PA, redirect your efforts to related exams like PPD or PDD. The knowledge gained from studying these topics will significantly benefit your understanding and performance in PA. Save it for the last stage of your preparation.

The Forward-Moving Strategy:

By shifting your focus to different exams after a failure, you avoid getting stuck in a retake cycle. Broadening your knowledge base through studying for various exams helps you progress steadily. Embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.


Failing an ARE 5.0 exam is difficult, but retaking the same exam immediately may not be the best approach. Explore alternative strategies by studying related exams to diversify your knowledge. Maintain a forward-moving mindset, learn from setbacks, and persevere on your path to becoming a licensed architect.

If you're still having trouble passing the ARE 5.0, check out the Young Architect ARE Bootcamp. Our unique approach has helped thousands of candidates who were struggling to pass the AREs finally cross the finish line. We would love to help you become a licensed Architect.

Note: Customize your study approach based on your strengths, weaknesses, and guidance from mentors or study resources. Tailor your strategy to suit your individual circumstances.


Michael Riscica

Michael Riscica is a Licensed Architect, Founder and Head Coach of the ARE Boot Camp Coaching Program & Online Study Group.

Hi I’m Michael Riscica.

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