meet the ‘archeature’ by ehsan kazerooni 


Iranian architect Ehsan Kazerooni leverages the wonders of digital montages to imagine a new type of being he calls the ‘Archeature’ (Architecture + Creature). His latest artwork shows harvesters, photographed by George Steinmetz, whose faces are replaced by spellbinding patterns and geometries of historical architecture found across different civilizations and cultures. ‘These are creatures made from our past architecture,’ he says. 

archeature excerpts from the past 1
photography by George Steinmetz



how past architecture shapes our identities


In this project, Kazerooni (see more here) matched each harvester’s ethnicity with their country’s historic architecture to reveal how the past (still) influences their realities and identities today. ‘The culture, civilization, and history of our past are full of many potentials and ideas that we can know by discovering hidden lines, geometry, and forms. By studying the historical monuments of different countries, we can know our civilization. I combined them so that we could see people and their identities at the same time.’

archeature excerpts from the past 2

archeature excerpts from the past 3

archeature excerpts from the past 4

faces are replaced by spellbinding patterns and geometries of historical architecture

archeature excerpts from the past 5

archeature excerpts from the past 6

Kazerooni matched each harvester’s ethnicity with their country’s historic architecture

archeature excerpts from the past 7

archeature excerpts from the past 10
‘these are creatures made from our past architecture,’ states the designer






project info:


name: Archeature: Excerpts from the past
artist: Ehsan Kazerooni

photography: George Steinmetz



designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: lea zeitoun | designboom