Association KRAFT

Association KRAFT


Shiver House V2 by Neon

Made “alive” by the wind, this architecture creates an emotional relationship with its occupants. She seems to have a personality: sometimes calm when the breeze seems to make her breathe, sometimes angry when the gusts agitate her in all directions... This animal character binds us to her and encourages us to spend time on the spot to observe its constant transformation. It anchors visitors in the present moment.

Its movements also allow us to see, hear and feel the wind more acutely. We are also connected to the surrounding trees, whose simultaneous agitation we perceive more clearly.

Thus, Shiver house makes us aware of the natural world around us.

Transforming the familiar, Shiver House V2 infuses another perception of the environment and a new awareness of landscape elements.

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Status: Built
Location: Lens, FR
Firm Role: producer
Additional Credits: realized by Neon
A project by Kraft association, in the frame of Odyssée des cabanes (
Conseil Régional Hauts de France, Pôle Métropolitain de l'Artois, Louvre-lens.