Gastro Circuit / one-aftr

Gastro Circuit / one-aftr - Interior Photography, BrickGastro Circuit / one-aftr - Interior Photography, Kitchen, HandrailGastro Circuit / one-aftr - Interior PhotographyGastro Circuit / one-aftr - Interior PhotographyGastro Circuit / one-aftr - More Images+ 19

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Gastro Circuit / one-aftr - Interior Photography
© ​Jang Mi

Text description provided by the architects. Gastro Circuit is a crafted private kitchen studio designed to cater to groups of up to 12 guests, featuring a dynamic lineup of rotating chefs. Upon entering, patrons are greeted by a dimly lit corridor adorned with custom-made square wooden tiles. Midway through the corridor, waist-level long and short windows offer a glimpse into the space that awaits.

Gastro Circuit / one-aftr - Interior Photography, Brick
© ​Jang Mi
Gastro Circuit / one-aftr - Image 17 of 24
Floor Plan
Gastro Circuit / one-aftr - Interior Photography
© ​Jang Mi

As guests progress along this corridor, they are welcomed into a well-lit waiting area, bathed in the gentle radiance emanating from an integrated polycarbonate structure. This architectural element serves a dual purpose, delineating the transition between the corridor and the dining room while providing a central focal point within this environment. 

Gastro Circuit / one-aftr - Interior Photography
© ​Jang Mi
Gastro Circuit / one-aftr - Image 20 of 24
Long Elevation - Lobby to Kitchen
Gastro Circuit / one-aftr - Interior Photography, Brick
© ​Jang Mi

A soft curtain beckons, slightly hinting at the dining room behind. Positioned at the very heart of the circuit, this space artfully combines materials reflective of each section—the corridor, the welcoming area, the dining room, and the kitchen. Here, industrial elements such as polycarbonate and stainless steel are integrated with earthy materials like wood and gravel, resulting in a unique ambiance that melds both rustic and urban aesthetics. The room's walls gently slant inward, directing focus to the centerpiece dining table. As diners take their seats, the once-distant long window from their initial entry now rests at eye level, subtly tracing the path that brought them to this dining destination.

Gastro Circuit / one-aftr - Interior Photography
© ​Jang Mi
Gastro Circuit / one-aftr - Interior Photography
© ​Jang Mi

At the farthest reach of the room, the kitchen stands apart with its distinctive reflective stainless steel walls, distinguishing it from the adjacent dining area. As the meal concludes, patrons make their exit through the kitchen, re-entering the corridor at its opposite end, thus completing the circuit.

Gastro Circuit / one-aftr - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Handrail
© ​Jang Mi

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Address:Seoul, South Korea

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Cite: "Gastro Circuit / one-aftr" 28 Oct 2023. ArchDaily. Accessed . <> ISSN 0719-8884

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