Senate Bill 9: The California HOME Act

In the ever-evolving realm of California’s housing policies, one bill stands out as a potential game-changer: Senate Bill 9, also known as the California Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency (“HOME”) Act. This legislation, signed into law on September 16, 2021, aims to address the state’s housing crisis by providing homeowners with a streamlined process to subdivide their urban single-family residential lots and construct additional residential units. This article delves into the details of SB-9, its implications for homeowners, and its broader impact on California’s architectural landscape.

Understanding SB-9: The Duplex Bill
SB-9 fundamentally alters the municipal review process for two-unit housing developments on single-family lots and property subdivision. Previously, this process was discretionary, subject to subjective assessments on a case-by-case basis. With SB-9, the review process shifts to ministerial approval, characterized by objective and consistently applied criteria. This transformation aims to simplify and expedite the permitting process, making it more accessible for homeowners to expand their properties with additional housing units.

Effective statewide from January 1, 2022, SB-9 mandates compliance from all California cities. However, local governments retain the authority to impose objective design standards and limitations as long as they align with the state law’s requirements. Nonetheless, some cities have faced criticism and formal reprimands from the State Attorney General for ordinances that contradict SB-9’s intent and guidelines.

Contextualizing the Housing Crisis
California’s housing crisis is a multifaceted challenge characterized by a shortage of affordable housing, particularly in urban areas. This scarcity has led to increased rental burdens, displacements, and a growing gap between housing demand and supply. Estimates suggest a need for 3.5 million additional housing units by 2025, far surpassing the current annual construction rate of fewer than 80,000 homes. The introduction of SB-9 is part of a broader legislative effort to address these pressing issues.

Impact on Architectural Development
For architects and designers, SB-9 presents both opportunities and challenges. On one hand, the bill opens up a myriad of possibilities for housing development, including the addition of second units, lot subdivisions, and diverse housing typologies such as duplexes and accessory dwelling units (ADUs). This expansion in design options allows architects to innovate and tailor solutions to meet the evolving needs of California’s residents.

On the other hand, navigating the intricacies of SB-9’s implementation, including local ordinances and permitting processes, requires a deep understanding of regulatory frameworks. Architects must collaborate closely with homeowners, local authorities, and legal experts to ensure compliance while maximizing the architectural potential of SB-9 projects.

SB-9 in Practice: What Can You Build?
Qualifying urban properties in single-family zones can leverage SB-9 to add a second unit, facilitating multigenerational living arrangements or rental opportunities. Property owners can also opt for lot subdivision, subject to a commitment to occupy one lot as their primary residence for a specified period. The flexibility provided by SB-9 enables architects to design a range of housing solutions, from single-family dwellings to multi-unit complexes, depending on local guidelines and restrictions.

Navigating Exclusions and Limitations
While SB-9 encourages urban housing development, it includes exclusions to protect vulnerable populations and ecological areas. Properties must meet specific criteria, such as being within urban zones and not located in designated environmentally sensitive areas. Additionally, the bill prohibits alterations or demolitions of certain housing units, safeguarding tenant rights and affordable housing stock.

Benefits and Challenges for Homeowners
SB-9 offers significant benefits for homeowners, including increased property value, income generation through rentals, and opportunities for multigenerational living. From an architectural perspective, the bill fosters creativity and innovation in design, promoting sustainable and inclusive communities. However, challenges such as navigating complex permitting processes and securing financing remain critical considerations for homeowners and builders alike.

Looking Ahead: Opportunities for Housing Innovation
Senate Bill 9 represents a paradigm shift in housing policy, offering opportunities for architectural innovation and addressing California’s pressing housing needs. Homeowners with a clear understanding of SB-9’s nuances as adopted by their local jurisdiction will be well-positioned to take advantage of the opportunities it affords them to create highest, best use of their property while at the same time contributing to the resolution of long-term housing needs.

For Further Reading
Here are three online resources where you can find more information about Senate Bill 9 (SB-9) in California and its impact on housing development:

• California State Legislature Official Website: The official website of the California State Legislature provides comprehensive information about SB-9 at:
• California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD): The HCD website offers valuable insights into SB-9’s implementation, guidelines, and FAQs for homeowners, architects, and stakeholders interested in housing development. You can find their factsheet at:
• A bullet point synopsis of SB-9 published by can be found at:—session-materials/understanding-and-navigating-sb-9-in-your-city.pdf?sfvrsn=86e5d3bd_3

These resources offer diverse perspectives and authoritative information on SB-9, allowing you to delve deeper into its implications and stay informed about developments in California’s housing policies and opportunities.

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