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Buy and hold

I know that this is supposed to be a blog about building cities, but it’s also a blog about real estate and I have heard that people sometimes do things like invest in real estate. So here is a terrific memo by Howard Marks (of Oaktree Capital Management) about when to sell assets (and when not to sell assets). His overarching argument is that, most of the time, staying invested is ultimately the most important thing. But that it can be difficult to do.

Here’s an excerpt:

When you find an investment with the potential to compound over a long period, one of the hardest things is to be patient and maintain your position as long as doing so is warranted based on the prospective return and risk. Investors can easily be moved to sell by news, emotion, the fact that they’ve made a lot of money to date, or the excitement of a new, seemingly more promising idea.

Howard is talking about the stock market and his words of advice are particularly important in that context given how easy it is to be a “trader.” I can, so maybe I should. But the same lessons hold true for real estate, even though it is a less liquid asset. A lot of wealth has been generated over the years by those who simply bought well and held for the long term. One good decision and patience can go a long way.

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