
Can You Get Architecture Projects Online?

Yes, at Archmark, we have helped many firms create SEO-optimized websites that attract ideal clients and better projects. Often these projects result in quicker approval, higher fees, and better profitability.

Keep reading to learn how you can architecture firms can get found online.

Start by Getting Found on Google.

“How do I get architecture projects online?” this is a common question we hear all the time, and the answer is simple: to get found online, you have to start with Google, the internet’s largest search engine

Consider this, nearly 89% of B2B buyers research and gather information about potential purchases through the internet and 90% of them use search engines to do so. Plus, 71% of B2B buyers start their search using generic search terms, so it’s important to make sure you rank high for these terms by creating high-quality SEO content. 

If your architecture firm isn't ranking in Google search results, or on other search engines, people looking for the type of services you provide are more likely to see your competitors' websites instead, and you're going to miss out on potential leads. 

But, by working on your website's search ranking on Google, you can change that and be found at the right time, by the right people.

How do architecture firms get found in search results?

Use our 10 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips below to get your website ranking higher than ever before. With these tips, you can reach the top of a search engine results page (SERP), reaching prospective clients before you're even aware they're searching for you.

By improving your SEO, you can set your architecture firm up for growth and success – increase brand awareness, generate website traffic, and attract new leads. 

Don't let your competitors get the top-of-page ranking. You can start ranking higher with Archmark’s SEO tips for architects. Read more about SEO Strategy for Architects here.

1. Do Your Research

Before you develop your SEO strategy, take the time to do some thorough research. This research will help you develop a stronger SEO strategy, ultimately boosting your search engine rankings and reaching more of your ideal clients.

To get started on your SEO research, first you'll want to learn more about your clients. If you're targeting a broad audience, segment them into smaller groups. Use demographics (age, gender, location) and psychographics (buying behaviors, interests, pain points).

Segmenting your audien ce into “Ideal Future Client” (IFC) personas will help you create customized content with each group in mind.

Then, learn more about the search behaviors of your IFC. 

You can use Google Trends and Keyword Planner to gather keyword research and research what keywords your Ideal Future Client is likely to use in an online search. 

Once you have the words and phrases your potential clients are searching for, you want to use these keywords within your website's content. Select a target keyword for each post and page on your website. The target keyword should appear in the:

  • Page title
  • URL
  • Image alt text
  • Opening paragraph
  • Meta description
  • Heading and subheads
  • Closing paragraph
  • Body text

Be careful not to overstuff a page with the same keyword. You can use variations, synonyms, and related keywords as well. 

Learn these 5 Tips To Improve SEO for Architecture Firms.

2. Create Compelling Content

Once you've gathered your keyword research, it's time to create compelling new content for your website based on topics related to your keywords. Try creating different forms of content and online media, including:

  • Blog posts/articles
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Polls
  • Quizzes
  • Checklists
  • eBooks

Avoid writing fluff. Instead, create helpful, informative pieces that demonstrate your expertise. Over the years we’ve learned that there are three types of content architects should focus on when creating copy and content for your architecture firm. Find out all about how you can help foster better engagement with your prospects in our blog article detailing successful content marketing for architects.

3. Update Your Website

A slow, outdated website will lower your search rankings. It’s not enough to get the words right if your website leaves visitors waiting while images and text slowly come into view. You want your website to “perform well” in the eyes of the search engines. In short, that means a site that loads quickly, keeps the website visitor engaged, and works well on mobile and desktop.

If you want to get found in search results, you may also need to update your website. Work with an experienced web design agency for architects that understands SEO and user experience (UX) design trends.

Good web design will keep people on your pages for longer. The more time someone stays on your website, the higher your clickthrough rate and dwell time will be (both are important ranking factors for Google). 

What’s a clickthrough rate?

The clickthrough rate is the number of users that click on a link compared to the number of total users who view a page. It can also be used to measure the effectiveness of email marketing or ad campaigns. 

What’s dwell time?

The dwell time is essentially the amount of time a user spends viewing a specific page on your website after clicking the link to get there. 

Longer dwell time will also help lower your bounce rate (the percentage of users that leave your website after just landing on it), which can benefit your SEO ranking. 

Create a Great Mobile Website Experience 

It's important to make sure your website is optimized for mobile viewing and use. Google uses mobile-first indexing which means that it uses the mobile version of your content as a factor in determining web search rankings. Follow Google's latest Core Web Vitals when updating your website, too. 

Don't neglect these essentials when updating your website.

4. Go Local

About 30% of all mobile searches are related to location (e.g.,. ‘architect near me’ ‘architecture firms in Ohio’). Meanwhile, 76% of those people who search for something nearby call or visit a business within a day. 

If you want to boost your brand awareness and generate more leads, don't neglect local SEO. 

Local SEO techniques will help you appear in search results when prospective clients in your area are searching online for your services. If someone searches for a “local architecture firm,” you want your website to appear on page one of search results.

Start by making sure to update your Google My Business (GMB) listing. Your GMB listing will display your architecture firm's:

  • Name
  • Hours
  • Phone number
  • Address/directions
  • Website
  • Reviews

You can also create posts to share on your GMB listing to keep it up to date.

Use location-based keywords to content throughout your website, not just the Home page or Contact page. When someone searches for an architecture firm based on your location, your page or blog post could appear higher up in Google search results.

Does your architecture firm have more than one location? Create a unique location page on your website for each office and embed a Google Map onto each location page, too. 

Developing a local SEO strategy can help you gain higher visibility online, increasing your opportunity and conversion rate with prospects in your area. 

5. Understand E.A.T.

 E.A.T. stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness, and Google looks for evidence of these factors when determining rankings. You can demonstrate your architecture firm’s E.A.T. by:

  • Adding author bios to your blog posts
  • Demonstrating your education, experience, and expertise in posts
  • Investing in personal branding for client-facing team members
  • Telling your brand’s story
  • Working with influencers/authorities in your niche
  • Backing up any claims you make with research
  • Linking to high-authority websites, data, and studies
  • Adding social proof (reviews, awards, and testimonials) to your website

Make sure to keep your own website content up to date as well. You don't want to give readers outdated information. 

6. Build Links

As you use these tips to rank higher in search results, also work on your link-building strategy. Backlinks from high-authority websites show Google you're an authority, too. After all, you are the company you keep.

Consider guest blogging – for example, for a contractor, materials supplier, designer, etc., you work with on a regular basis. 

Share a link to your own (relevant) post when commenting on someone else's blog. 

Appearing on an industry podcast or local or regional event? Ask the organizers to include a hyperlink to your website in your bio. 

Google will recognize you're generating traffic from multiple resources. 

Don't forget your internal linking as well. Internal links can boost your clickthrough rate, helping you rank higher. One of the easiest ways to get started with internal linking is to include links to relevant service pages in your blogs, and create a list of ‘must-read’ blogs at the bottom of each blog post. Not only does this keep your readers interested and engaged in consuming more of your content, it shows Google your site is structured correctly. 

7. Optimize for Voice and Snippets

With an ever-increasing amount of people using voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, and Google to complete searches, it’s essential to optimize your website content for voice searches. 

How can you optimize for voice search? 

Use phrases and questions. These are known as “long-tail keywords” -- think about questions you often get asked by prospects and answer those questions in your page copy and blog posts.

Optimizing your page content and blog posts for voice can also help you rank for featured snippets, which appear at the top of the search engine results pages. ď»ż

8. Encourage and Request Online Reviews

We all know architects love good referrals. Online reviews are the modern word-of-mouth referrals. Ask satisfied clients to post their reviews on your GMB listing, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn accounts. 

Reviews act as social proof to prospects still on the fence and improve your credibility dramatically – potentially being the thing that finally gets the contract signed. 

Reviews can boost your SEO ranking, too. Make sure to keep generating fresh reviews to show Google you're still relevant, and it may promote your GMB listing above others.

Pro tip: You don’t need to wait till the project is completed to ask for a review. If you have a client who tells you they are thrilled with where things are in the project progress, ask if they would share that in a Google review.

9. Stay Social

As you use these tips to gain higher visibility, don't forget to share your content. Share your blog posts using email marketing and social media. As people respond to your posts, comment back.

Social media can help you generate more traffic to your website, which, in turn, could boost your ranking. 

Many of our clients have found great success networking with potential clients on LinkedIn. Depending on your desired niche/ideal client audience, you can determine which social media channel will work best for your firm. We’ve seen architecture firms do well with LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and even Tik Tok. 

10. Stay Ahead of the Curve

Learning how architects get found in search results isn't a one-time lesson. You'll need to remain up-to-date with the latest SEO trends, techniques, and best practices. Like other marketing efforts, SEO is an ongoing, long-term investment for an architecture firm. You will want to continually work at it, adjusting and refining, to keep your search ranking in the top 10.

We hope this article has helped you to understand the importance of search engine optimization for architects. By implementing these top 10 tips, the next time someone needs an architecture firm in your specialty, your website could appear at the top of the page. 

To get real results, SEO is a long-term commitment, but with regular, high-quality SEO techniques implemented, you can rise through the search engine ranks and out-perform your competitors. Eager to boost your SEO ranking and attract more of your ideal clients? We're here to help.

Schedule a free 20-minute intro call!

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If you’re struggling to get quality projects, it may be time to hire an expert. Apply for your free Clarity Call today to learn how Archmark can help your firm thrive!

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