
Five Keys to Consistent Architecture Firm Branding

Is Your Architecture Brand Helping You Attract Clients and Win Projects?

How well recognized is your architecture firm? Have you unlocked the secrets to building Brand Awareness?

The concept of 'branding' is critical for architects. But even once the basic brand is understood and developed, the challenge is to create and increase brand awareness.

It's not surprising that as many as 89% of marketers who specialize in business-to-business (B2B) communications make brand awareness a top priority.

One of the biggest challenges to gaining brand awareness is a lack of brand consistency. 

With that in mind, let's dive into how you can achieve brand consistency and help improve brand awareness for your architecture firm.

Why Is Brand Consistency so Important?

 There are a few reasons brand consistency is essential for your architecture firm:


  • It helps clients recognize your business.
  • It creates trust with both existing clients and potential leads.
  • It presents a clear message to your audience.
  • It supports your connection with prospects on an emotional level.

Let's explore how to create and keep a compelling and consistent brand.


1. Take an Honest Look at Your Brand


Part of brand consistency is ensuring your clients know precisely what's what when it comes to your architecture firm. If you haven't already developed your brand, or if you are considering making changes to your branding, take time to be sure you understand the image you've already portrayed to your clients and your market.


Ask yourself: What do our website, social media, and promotional materials look like and say about us?


As you examine each of these, consider if and how they reflect the core values of your firm. You should also review what people are already saying about your brand and whether clients recognize your branding efforts.


This info goes a long way in helping you decide what to do next. 

If you want to learn about Using Smart Goals to Grow Your Architecture Firm click here.

2. Know Your BEST Audience

You could have the best brand in the world, but if you're not pitching your brand to your ideal audience, it's never going work. You need to create something that appeals to them.

Create a detailed buyer or client persona that reflects your ideal client. This is an excellent way of getting an accurate insight into the kind of person you want to attract to your firm. Think about how they will connect and respond to your branding.

You should ask yourself the following questions about your current and potential clients:

  • What are their values?
  • What are they interested in?
  • What motivates them?
  • How do they make decisions?
  • What problem are they trying to solve?
  • Where do they get their information?

You get the idea!

3. Brand Rules

Brand guidelines can be crucial to help ensure your architecture firm brand remains consistent no matter where or how your it is represented.

These rules for how to use your brand should include:

  • A definition of your unique selling point
  • Your logo
  • Colors
  • Fonts
  • A layout for any printed marketing materials
  • The words, tone, and style you do and don't use to describe your firm.

“77% of B2B marketing leaders say branding is critical to growth.”

— Circle Research

Now you have a framework for your branding. You need to run with it and test it out. Hold a team meeting and make sure everyone knows what's required to keep your branding consistent across the company.

When you get into it, you'll be surprised at how many decisions these guidelines influence. Everything from how you deliver your client service to how you launch your marketing campaigns.

You need to be prepared to change how you think things through. Your brand needs to be at the core of everything you do!

4. Focus on Your Website

“The main benefit of branding tools, and reason to employ them, is to boost profits.”

— Forbes

We've given your website an entire section to itself because it's by far the most important of all your branding assets.

You need to think of it more as a stage for you to showcase precisely what your business does, how you can help your audience, and prove it to them. Use social evidence of your abilities; reviews, testimonials, social shares, etc. These are excellent for showing credibility and building trust with consumers.

Creating a good impression is essential, you have to show them you're capable of getting the job done.

If you're looking for a way to demonstrate your core values and beliefs to your audience, set up a blog on your website. Not only is high-quality content amazing for SEO, but it's also one of the easiest ways to communicate your brand to potential clients.

A high-performing website should communicate your brand as well as generate new leads and clients. It's a crucial stepping stone for nurturing new and potentially profitable business relationships.

5. Embrace Change

Yes, branding needs to be consistent. However, this doesn't mean it never changes. Naturally, your company will change over time, and therefore your branding will as well.

We frequently find ourselves reassuring someone that it is OK to change their logo even if it's been in use for many years (in part because that is only one small representation of a brand). 

At least once a year, refer to your branding guidelines and make updates and changes as needed. Your brand will evolve as your business grows. While you may want to stay true to your roots, you must be open to adapting your brand in line with your growth.

Learn more about How To Build a Strong Architecture Brand here.

Get Started With Your Branding Strategy

If you are struggling to create a name for yourself and want to boost your brand awareness, or you don't know how to get a more consistent and powerful brand presences, let's talk. 

Archmark works with architects to help them build a strong brand foundation for business growth, establish authority to take a leadership position in their market, and create awareness that attracts qualified leads and better clients. If you want to learn more about how to find Architecture Clients click here.

We focus on how to build up your business, so you can focus on leading your firm. It starts with a free 30-minute architecture marketing strategy review call to help you:

  • Get clarity on why your current digital marketing efforts aren't working
  • (re)Define your competitive advantage
  • Discover insights into your ideal clients that you never would have thought of on your own

Find out how we can help you. Schedule your strategy review call today to see how we can help your architecture firm go even further.

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If you’re struggling to get quality projects, it may be time to hire an expert. Apply for your free Clarity Call today to learn how Archmark can help your firm thrive!

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If there is one thing we love to talk about at Archmark, it's branding and marketing for architects. We have compiled an impressive library of articles over the years to help architects like you better understand how to improve your firm’s recognition, reputation, and reach in the markets you serve. Explore our library below, and when you are ready, apply for your free Clarity Call.

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