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Amazon moves away from “Just Walk Out” technology at its grocery stores

Back in 2018, Amazon opened its first cashier-less grocery store. The technology — which it later branded as “Just Walk Out” — was intended to allow customers to do exactly that. All you had to do was put items into your cart and walk out of the store. And then, through the magic of sophisticated computer vision, machine learning, and lots of sensors, you would be billed and sent a receipt.

However, this month the company announced that it will be moving away from this technology, and instead focusing on its Dash Carts (more on this shortly). It turns out that the technology wasn’t nearly automated enough.

Last year, The Information reported that “Just Walk Out” was relying on at least 1,000 off-site workers in India to constantly review video footage and figure out who had bought what. This is why it apparently took so long to receive a bill sometimes; humans far away were working to figure out if that was a persimmon in your hand, or a tomato.

I’m not an expert on this space, but I’m guessing it is not (yet) feasible to do what Uniqlo and other retailers now do with their supply chains and checkouts. So this was the workaround. Whatever the case, Amazon has now said that it will be focusing on its Dash Carts, which are kind of like roaming checkout counters. They come with screens and scales for weighing things.

Obviously the ideal solution is to not have to do or scan anything. But being able to avoid check-out lines still feels like meaningful progress. I just wonder if these smart carts will encourage or discourage spending. Because now everyone will have a live receipt in front of them. That might discourage spending unless you can offset it with rewards and/or other incentives.

1 Comment so far

  1. Myron Nebozuk

    This Amazon experiment has me thinking of a Simpsons episode, the one where Montgomery Burns reveals a vast facility, populated with a million monkeys sitting at a million typewriters. Burns explains the math; eventually, one of the monkeys will write the next great novel. To illustrate this point, Burns looks over the shoulder of a monkey and reads: “It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times”. Burns then exclaims “Stupid monkey!” Looks like Bezos is having a Burns moment.


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