Tortona Design Week present at Fuorisalone 2022 the project “Fluidity and Design”

Fluidity and Design

A rich programme of installations, exhibitions and events: from Completing the fragments of nature in the Via Bergognone roundabout to Timberland’s Floating Forest and the IKEA Festival.

There will also be Lexus with ON/, Haier, Hoover and Candy with the Home Switch Home itinerary, gloTM with Hypernova and Radical Pop Terrace curated by TOILETPAPER magazine,
Saviola with LEGEND.

The renaissance, APIMA and AICEP Portugal Global with MADE IN PORTUGAL and many other national and international companies.

Milan is getting ready to host Milano Design Week, the event that has turned the city into the world capital of design, together with the ever-present Fuorisalone. Among the most awaited protagonists, as every year, the Tortona Design Week is back from 6th to 12th June.

The core of this edition will be the Fluidity and Design project, a concept with which Torneria Tortona and Tortona Locations – the promoters and organisers of the event – confirm the path taken in recent years to interpret design as a collector of cultural and sociological transformation.

These are two key words that characterise the path leaders in the industry are following to restart, inspired by the environmental conditions that are upon us and are modelling our lives. Source and photos Courtesy of Tortona Design Week.