
LinkedIn for Architects: Grow Your Network in Three Steps

For Architects, LinkedIn is Ideal for Growing Relationships.

Architecture is all about building relationships, whether it's with planners, developers, builders, or future clients. However, despite relationships being vital to architects' business development success, many firms do not have a strategy for growing their network.

But, let’s be honest, while many projects may start with a personal relationship, it can be time consuming and even overwhelming to keep up with the in-person networking and meetings to build initial connections with the right people.

What if there was a way to connect with valued partners and prospects without ever leaving your desk (or phone)?

With more than 660 million users, LinkedIn  is one of the best online platforms to make virtual connections, and with the right strategy, you can turn those connections into valuable relationships and business opportunities.


Following are three essential steps to help you turn this social business platform into an opportunity engine for your architecture firm.

1. Update Your Linkedin Profile 

image of a laptop screen with a hand and the LinkedIn logo above it, and the headline: Attract Ideal Architecture  Firm Clients with Your LinkedIn Profile

Updating your LinkedIn profile is an important, but often overlooked first step to communicating your authority and expertise — and making it clear what types of projects and clients you want for your firm.

Our in-depth article, The Definitive Architecture Marketing Guide to an Effective LinkedIn Profile provides detailed information and insights into how you can setup and optimize your profile.

You can also download our 10-point Linkedin Profile Optimization Checklist which gives you a helpful reference sheet you can use when updating your profile.

2. Connect to Build Relationships

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The first place to start growing your network is to make sure you are connected on Linkedin with the people you already know in person.

This includes current and past clients, partners, suppliers, contractiors, other designers, your own team, and industry influencers you admire.

Next, send connection requests to anyone who would be a potential referral partner or future client.

It’s easy to find and connect with the right people using LinkedIn's search tools.

You can quickly expand your network by sending just five connection requests each day.

3. Engage by Sharing & Commenting

LinkedIn is a great place to share your experience, expertise, and insights. If you already have a blog on your website, chances are good you’ve got content just waiting to be shared.

Aim to post content that provides insights, answers questions, and helps your connections better understand who you are and the value you bring to your work. Make it a priority to share content and links that take people to your website.

Post questions and ask for comments to tune in to the issues your prospects face. When people in your network post a question related to your expertise, use that opportunity to comment based on your experience. By offering a couple sentences of advice, you open the door for more conversation, potential business, collaboration, and connections.

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LinkedIn is just one part of your Architecture Firm’s Business Development Strategy

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