Space Piercer Orthopedic Clinic Renovation / T2P Architects Office

Space Piercer Orthopedic Clinic Renovation / T2P Architects Office - Exterior Photography, Windows, FacadeSpace Piercer Orthopedic Clinic Renovation / T2P Architects Office - Interior Photography, Windows, BeamSpace Piercer Orthopedic Clinic Renovation / T2P Architects Office - Interior Photography, Table, Windows, Sofa, Chair, Bench, BeamSpace Piercer Orthopedic Clinic Renovation / T2P Architects Office - Interior Photography, FacadeSpace Piercer Orthopedic Clinic Renovation / T2P Architects Office - More Images+ 16

Gifu, Japan
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Space Piercer Orthopedic Clinic Renovation / T2P Architects Office - Exterior Photography, Windows, Facade
© Vincent Hecht

Text description provided by the architects. This is a renovation project for an orthopedic clinic in Seki-shi, Gifu Prefecture, which also served as a doctor for the women's field hockey team at the Tokyo Olympics 2020. The client wanted to take over the clinic from her father and support the community.

Space Piercer Orthopedic Clinic Renovation / T2P Architects Office - Interior Photography, Facade
© Vincent Hecht
Space Piercer Orthopedic Clinic Renovation / T2P Architects Office - Image 17 of 21
Plan - After
Space Piercer Orthopedic Clinic Renovation / T2P Architects Office - Interior Photography, Windows, Beam
© Vincent Hecht

She wanted to renovate the existing building rather than build a new one. We aimed to express the client's identity as a person involved in sports in the limited renovation space. The existing entrance canopy and walls were removed to create a waiting room that promotes the image of a clinic open to the outside. 

Space Piercer Orthopedic Clinic Renovation / T2P Architects Office - Interior Photography, Table, Windows, Sofa, Chair, Bench, Beam
© Vincent Hecht
Space Piercer Orthopedic Clinic Renovation / T2P Architects Office - Image 20 of 21
Elevation - North after

A single track runs through the wood structure indoors and out to express structure and mobility, and all signage objects are merged with the floor to improve visibility. The view of the inside and outside through the wooden structure connects to the town and is a feature of the clinic's identity that appeals to the town.

Space Piercer Orthopedic Clinic Renovation / T2P Architects Office - Interior Photography
© Vincent Hecht

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Project location

Address:Gifu, Japan

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Location to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.
About this office
Cite: "Space Piercer Orthopedic Clinic Renovation / T2P Architects Office" 21 Dec 2023. ArchDaily. Accessed . <> ISSN 0719-8884

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