Greenstation by LOCAL


Greenstation is a company working on developing the energy station with functionality and usability in mind. LOCAL has been working in close collaboration with them to develop the energy station of the future.

The project is based on a 100% wooden canopy that can be implemented at different scales from 2 charging points up until 24. We are not building a roof but a landscape where the elements together create a dynamic and welcoming environment. The top is either planted soil of wild local vegetation or sedum with the alternative to also provide solar panels.

The floorscape of the station is playing a central role as an urban carpet that blends functional mobility with qualitative landscape. The central clearing in the middle of the station becomes a meeting place for stretching, breathing in a vegetation that celebrates local specifies.

Technical elements are blending with added value functions so that batteries are integrated with vending machine for local food producer, pick point for post-delivery, storage for free-to-use items in connection to digital map showcasing local hikes and place of interest within a 15 min walking radius, as well as water point, toilets, and recycling point.

For the time being, the Greenstation offers charging for battery electric cars, but in the future will offer both EV charging as well as hydrogen filling. Currently the planned stations in the Norwegian rollout are focussing on private EVs, however the Greenstation concept is scaled for commercial EV integration as well as commercial vehicle hydrogen filling.

The Greenstation team continues to work in parallel with identifying locations for the roll out of Greenstations throughout Norway in 2022-23. Upscaling globally is targeted for 2023. By utilizing new technology and innovation, we are developing a new concept where you can seamlessly charge electric cars and fill hydrogen at the same station.

Greenstation will also offer customers a meaningful break where you gain access to services and other facilities with a green footprint. Greenstation’s ambition is a global network of charging stations and currently inviting retail operators and local property developers to partner to form a forecourt offer that disrupts today’s traditional convenience retail models.

The Greenstation model believes in providing a green meeting place in either existing trading centers or cooperative partnership development. Together, we can create added value for the local community and EV motorists, making a green difference for the local community.

Background: Norwegian Politics
The Norwegian Parliament decided on a national goal that all new cars sold by 2025 should be zero-emission (electric or hydrogen). By February 2022, there were more than 470.000 registered battery electric cars (BEVs) in Norway. Battery electric vehicles held a 64 % market share in 2021.

The speed of the transition is closely related to policy instruments and a wide range of incentives. The current Government has decided to keep the incentives for zero-emission cars until the end of 2022. After 2022 the incentives will be revised and adjusted parallel with the market development.

Technical Description
Greenstation’s technology partners ensure a seamless charging experience for ALL EVs regardless of brand. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), contactless payment with regular bank/credit cards directly at the charge point (CP). APP users will experience plug
and charge feeling, with payment happening automatically after connection is made.

The concept uses large screens at each CP to inform and guide customers through the required steps, and a welcome screen on entry directs the EV to the correct CP based on vehicle characteristics. Drivers often have limited knowledge of the connection plug and charge power capability of their EV. With Greenstation’s solution they are directed to the right CP regardless of prior knowledge of charging. Source by LOCAL.

  • Location: Straume, Norway
  • Architect: LOCAL
  • Consulents: Node (Structure), ÅBF (Construction), MLabs, MILES, Kempower, PIXII, Informativ, Samsung
  • Client: Greenstation
  • Program: Fast-charging station
  • Surface: 500m2 – Variable
  • Pilot station open: June 2022
  • Photographs: Artishot, Courtesy of LOCAL